But now I have an alternative called "ComicGen". This small utility will let you generate customizable comic pages from small strips. I have used this utility to generate the previous comic (E008). Please try it and let me know how it is. Especially those having collection of small strips may find it useful.
Download ComicGen
Source Strips (Total 4 strips):
Output Page:
Page Consisting of 4 Strips (Enlarged by 150%):

Note: You can also Shrink large strips or collection of images (For example shrinking a photo collection so that you can send small sized photos via email),
You can set the enlargement factor and no. of strip per page, gap between each strip etc..
[Note that this utility requires .NET framework to be installed on your PC.
Most of all new PCs come pre-installed with it.
Even if you don't have it, do not worry. the setup will ask you to automatically download it from the Microsoft website.]